14 May

For as long as I can remember as a person, she was there. Singing me lullabies or giving me your love.

Several times I was guided and loved by her! Even the times I didn't understand it, I knew it was love.

On the path I walked, she was always there, an angel with wings that covered everything with her light!!

Blessed be a mother, because at every obstacle you were there, present  in my heart. I will never forget her incomparable smile and her permanent joy !! Always looking to help everyone around you!

You were and are family mainstay and a strong rock. 

Smart and willing to deliver her teachings in exchange for goodness and light!!

If I am a better human being today, I owe you a lot! You live in everyone's heart and mine, for no one can take your place!

You gave me everything and I thank you with this simple message.

With heart, mind and soul, I thank you, dear mother, whether you are here or anywhere!

I cry out that God always gives you the light so that you continue to always be this person of light, wherever you are.

All I have left is gratitude for the path you taught me and the dignity you gave me with your example!

Thank you very much!!

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