10 Dec
The importance of understanding

In the last few days, I have been thinking a lot about the word understanding. Understanding the passages of our lives is very important for us to move forward. We are not always able to understand the why and the reason for what happens in our lives.

In life, the comings and goings of people, events and their consequences leave marks on us, sometimes deep ones, and shape who we are. Understanding the sadness of a separation, the pain of a loss, the joy of being alive, is not always simple or trivial.

In general, extreme feelings, whether of loss or gain, can be traumatic, because when we lose, most of the time, we seek to forget or reach the imbalance of feeling flawed or incomplete. When we gain, however, we seek to remember or also reach the imbalance of always wanting to be perfect or complete.

As time goes by, we assimilate or not the losses or gains, transforming this balance of feelings, on which we walk throughout life trying to find balance. The interesting thing is that whether or not we understand these feelings and their causes leads us to build who we are and what we want to be. Each individual's psyche is shaped by what life shows us and what we learn from it.

We are not absolute beings, full of understanding of everything that surrounds us. Science itself, over the course of human history, has shown itself to be uncertain in its truths, because everything is changeable with each passing moment of time. If science, with its logical reasoning, rhetoric and methods, proves to be flawed, imagine us, beings with souls in the process of learning.

Understanding that the world is made up of collectives in today's reality is increasingly obscure, because we are shaped, consciously or not, by a collective formed by a few, to follow their understanding of what is important. I always say that humanity is losing its way, because we live in a society marked by disagreements about almost everything, in the light of the desires of a few who relegate many to not thinking and not understanding the world that surrounds us.

Fashion, mannerisms, almost absolute freedom, individualism, models, exhibitionism, virtual reality... tools that dictate our current society. It doesn't really matter what one really is, but rather what one shows. In the virtual world, reality is constructed in the way we want, regardless of the truth in the mirror. The understanding of reality becomes obscure, because what is reality if not the perception of what we are and do... but to perceive what, if reality is ambiguous and shaped by individual interests.

The clear and strong exposure of the individual consciousness has been superimposed on the collective consciousness, determining a collective with less and less understanding of life, feelings, relationships and exchanges between people... look at the epidemic of mental illness and suicides that are increasingly increasing in our society, very much based on the lack of understanding of who we are and the emptiness that this causes. Even religious values about the importance of life, based on those who believe, have been lost due to a lack of understanding that we, human beings, are collective beings and thirsty for exchanges and learning from each other, generating an understanding of life.

Share, exchange, seek, respect each other's limits, seek only satisfaction for your peace and happiness... understand that we are all part of a whole and that the whole needs everyone to be balanced. Remember that when we are little, there is nothing more than the understanding of joy, learning and love for us to be happy.

There is no race, skin color, clothing, wealth or lack of understanding in the heart of a child, because there is the purity of understanding life as an instrument of sharing, learning and loving. There is no right and wrong, but simply the understanding that life should be shared and lived with joy and compassion.

Over time, the child becomes an adult and is exposed to the dictates of an individualistic society that is thirsty for illusions, without understanding that what we lack is to be happy with what we have and what we have built, combined with the understanding of who we are as a whole and as a collective. Simply be yourself in harmony with the collective and a happy soul!!

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