01 Oct
The Journey of a Life

Thirty years ago, my life changed slowly, little by little, like rainwater flowing along the ground. Slowly, the rainwater became a river of clear waters full of life... with some turbulence, diversions of course, whirlpools.

The river flowed along its course, creating tributaries that flowed into it, some intermittent, others constant. Of the intermittent ones, we had a special tributary, full of life and joy, but lacking in abundance of water. It filled the river with life for as long as its water flowed. When it dried up, a part of the river stopped flowing fully and entered a process of drought. For years, the river in its fullness fought to recover the part that was sad and still... new air, much care, love and affection... sometimes with force and excess, but, most of the time, with much love and care.

Fighting against a bad current is not always easy. But, in the course of nature, forces try to balance themselves, not always successfully, to overcome fear and despair. Wanting to dry up and disappear may seem like the only way, but there are always those who believe in love and life, even when the water flows against the fullness of life.

Throughout this 30-year journey, I have always tried to live this flow of life seeking peace, tranquility, truth and always love. The path was turbulent, but also full of joy. I am only grateful for having shared the path and regret not having been successful in changing it to the fullness of peace.

In these simple words that flow, I miss the one who completed the flow of the waters of life, being my greatest treasure, even without knowing it. I have no way of showing the importance of her current in the river that we were together. I sought to overcome the obstacles to show how essential it is to let life flow, because by her side, it could reach distant lakes and seas.

However, my strength was not enough to rescue yours, but my love will always be with you. I wish the current had been different and that you had understood the path I showed you.

We are all part of the flowing waters and I, like a sailor, continue walking in these waters, missing yours by my side. With gratitude, I move forward, because my waters must still flow and my path must be walked with other waters, perhaps shared, perhaps alone, but always carrying you in my heart.

For my traveling companion on this day, I wish only the happiness that I tried so hard to give you along our journey.

Be happy, my dear, because from here I see only calm waters full of peace for you... may you achieve the happiness that I so wanted to give you, but unfortunately I was unable to. I regret nothing, because I fought a good fight and truly loved you until the end.

Be at peace!!

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